martes, 23 de junio de 2015


The YJ Wheel cube is a 3x3x3 modification that shape-shifts really amazing. It’s very similar to a 3x3x3 Fisher cube but this one only has 4 pieces from each side.

The basic concept of the cube:

The YJ Wheel cube is a 3x3x3 modification which shape-shifts really amazing. It’s very similar to a 3x3x3 Fisher cube but this one only has 4 pieces from each side.

The basic concept of the cube:
As I previously said, this is a cubic 3x3x3 modification, but it’s reduced to 2 centers, because the other 4 act like edges and have an specific orientation. You can easily solve this cube with beginners’ method, but CFOP is a little bit hard to execute.

The cube has really standard stickers and it turns really nice. The only problem that I see to it is that when it’s scrambled, is a little bit harder to execute fluid algorithms because of the shape-shifting. Something I’d like to mention is that it’s a little hard to correctly align all the faces of the cube; therefore, you will sometimes have some lockups.

It’s not a hard cube but I recommend it only to have it as an item to your collection, it’s like a Fisher cube but I’m really sure that you can have a good time with it. If you want to buy it, I will leave links bellow and a tutorial of how to solve it.

Buy it here:


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