jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Learn Fridrich method (CFOP)

Before we start, let me tell you that we don't specialize on making advanced methods tutorials so I definetly recommend you to have another guide wich can support you. I will leave a link of some cubers channels which can help you. I also want to say that this guide will constantly use images that shows all Fridrich cases and that we don't own the rights of them, they are taken from badmaphisto's webpage (Link bellow). And a last thing, remember this guide is to clear your questions or problems learning this method and don't forget that you can comment your problems so we (or the community) can help you to solve them.

I will also use badmephisto's CFOP guide but for F2L I don't recommend you to follow any guide like that or to learn algorithms. For F2L, I will explaining it later, we will use an intuitetive method so you won't need to learn any algorithm. I will tell you when you should consult badmephisto's guide.

New Notation
In this method you will have to learn new notation of the cube like M, E and S moves or x, y and z moves, etc. A list of all the notation is at badmephisto's guide (link above). I'll leave here a link of a webpage where you can clearly see how to do every rotation of the cube.

Webpage: http://ruwix.com/the-rubiks-cube/notation/
Cube Notation tutorial (from Paradox Cubing): 

Step 1. The Cross

The first step of the Fridrich method is the Cross. As in the beginners method (explained in this blog) you have to make a cross on the first layer. I won’t explain it because you already have to know how to make it, but just in case I will leave a link of a video which explains how to do it and a link to our blog entry of how to solve the cross. Actually, there are other ways to get the cross with less moves but you will achieve and dominate while you practice.

Link of how to make the cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yU-EwlRRvc

Tips for of an advanced way to make the cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTydBg21aaw

Our tutorial: http://imagineacubeniverse.blogspot.mx/2015/04/step-1.html

Step 2. First Two Layers (Corners and middle or ecuator's edges pieces)

This step consists on solving all the corners of the first layer and thee edge pieces of the second layer. What does this mean? In the beginners’ method, you have to solve all the corners of the first layer, after that, you solve the middle (second layer) edges. In this method we are going to reduce these two steps into one.

Here, it’s not necessary to learn all the F2L cases because you can solve this part intuitively. Here is an image with all the possible cases that can be presented at F2L. But I don’t recommend you to learn all the cases with their algorithms. By the other way, I’m going to leave a link that will guide you to a video where the intuitively cases are explained.
But don't forget that if you have any questions, just comment them below so we can help you.

Step 3. OLL (Orientation of Last Layer)

This is the third step of Fridich method. It has 57 possible cases but we can reduce it to 6-10 algorithms with a 2-look OLL. But what is OLL? As it name says, it consists on orienting all the last layer pieces so at the end of the step, all the top side of the layer is yellow (or your first layer’s opposite color), but with 2-look OLL you first do an algorithm to form a cross on the last layer, so then you will just have to memorize the 7 cases that can be presented when a cross is solved.

If you already know 2-look OLL and all the PLL cases, you can continue learning the 57 cases of OLL. I don’t recommend you to start learning all the OLL cases before you have learned the 21 algorithms of PLL.

Youtube tutorial (badmephisto): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTYvklyOpVM
Fridrich guide: http://badmephisto.com/badmephisto-speedcubing-method.pdf

A video with all OLL cases: 

(Part 1):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beA18Drx1dc
(Parte 2): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRbmaw82h4g
(Part 3): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AmBLu_wmPw

Or watch this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0Mo2ax4Ib4

Easier algorithms (Summarized form):

(R U R' U)(R U2R')

(R U2)(R' U' R U' R')

(R U2 R’ B’ U R’ U’ B)

(L F R’ F’ L’ F R F’)

(L’ U’ L U’)(B U’ L’ U’ L U’ B’)

Step 4. PLL (Permutation of Last Layer)
PLL is the final part of the Fridrich method. Here you have to permute different pieces of the Last Layer to solve the entire cube. There are 21 possible cases of PLL, but as in OLL we can do a 2-look PLL, where we make a previous algorithm that solves all the corners so we only have to memorize 4 algorithms that solve the 4 cases where we have to permute the edges pieces. When you want to learn the complete Fridrich method I recommend you to learn all PLL cases before you memorize the 57 algorithms of OLL. Is very useful to have all the list of algorithms where you can see it so you can practice them at any time. You can consult them in badmephisto’s guide, I will leave Bob’s Burton printable page with all the permutations and a video that can guide you if you have problems with the execution of any algorithm. 

This is a video where 2-look PLL is explained.
Fridrich guide: http://badmephisto.com/badmephisto-speedcubing-method.pdf

Another list of the cases (if you don't like the other one you can see this one): http://badmephisto.com/pllprint.pdf

If you get it until here, Congratulations! You know probably know a little part of Fridrich method (if you studied 2-look OLL and PLL) or if you already memorized all the algorithms you have unlock an honorable achievement. Now you only have to practice and practice and probably one day you will be able to solve the cube super-fast. And why not? You can even compete with Feliks Zemdegs for the WR. :D

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