martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Mirror Cube

Mirror Cube
The mirror cube, in my opinion, is one of the greatest 3x3x3 modifications. It’s a cube that should be in every collection out there. Actually, it’s my favorite modification and I can describe it with one word: AWESOME!

If you don’t understand what is a modification: A modification is a puzzle which you can solve the same way as another puzzle and their mechanisms are very similar, except for the external components (corners, edges pieces, etc) which can be made different, therefore, a completely new puzzle is generated. For example, we take a 3x3x3 cube, we sand the pieces until a new puzzle is generated or we just put (to a normal cube) stickers with pictures instead of colors. The mirror cube is a 3x3x3 modification because it has 26 pieces, you can solve it exactly the same way as a 3x3 but, instead of color we have shapes!

I’m going to talk about the ShengShou version of the mirror cube (or mirror blocks). Like every Shengshou puzzle, it’s very cheap ($3-$4) and has a great quality. It does corner cuts but we don’t need that too much. It comes pre-lubricated and out of the box it goes pretty fast. By the way, the stickers have a great quality and look so nice.

My experience.

When I first saw this cube in a YouTube video I thought it was so hard to solve and that I wouldn’t buy it. After that, I discovered that it wasn’t so hard and that it was pretty cheap, so I decided to buy it. I bought it on and when it arrived I solved it at the next day. It’s one of my favorite puzzles, I haven’t had any problems with it, and if somebody who really don’t know about cubes see it, he (or she) well get impressed about the shape-shifting. I really recommend you to buy it and to add it in to your collection. I'll leave some links of pages where you can buy it so you can try it and leave a comment of what do you think about it.

Silver mirror cube:

Gold mirror cube:

Silver mirror cube:

Gold mirror cube (Not Shengshou version available so I don't really recommend you to buy this one, if you want a golden one buy it from Amazon):

2 comentarios:

  1. I can't even solve a normal ( I believe is 3x3x3) one.And the colors are supposed to make it easier, I don't imagine how hard will be trying to solve a mirror cube.
    I found a 17x17x17 cube in the internet and the world record for solving it is 7.5 hours, obviously that is like "super experts mode" but I found it interesting and I hope you do it too.
    Here's the link from 9gag were I found it:

  2. Hi Angela! You are right, the normal cube is a 3x3x3. Actually, you can solve it the same way as a 3x3x3 it's only a bit confusing. By the way, that 17x17x17 is the maximum beast! and it's so expensive (we will someday make a post were we talk about the most expensive cubes) and It's not that hard because you can solve it as a 5x5x5, it only takes a LOT of time because it has hundreds or thousands of pieces. The guy's name that is holding the 17x17x17 cube on your photo is Kenneth Brandon, he is the second person to solve that cube. He makes really interesting videos so if you want take a look to his channel:

    Thanks for your comment!
